Chapel & Music
In addition to our wonderful classroom curriculum, we also have have a full-week of “Specials” rotations!
Our preschoolers have the opportunity to attend a “Special” class each day of the week. In addition to exposing them to a variety of different experiences, they are introduced to and able to learn from many different teachers.
Monday – Music and Movement with Ms. Karen Frazier – Ms. Karen is an outside instructor that brings her drumsticks, and we all move, dance and bang our sticks to current music. Inspired by “Pound” exercise classes, our preschoolers learn the importance of staying active, while practicing rhythm and steady beat, skills that are crucial to later success as readers!
Tuesday – Super Hero Training – Ms. Kristina leads Super Hero Training, where we learn about different character traits that can make us Super Heroes! Honesty, bravery and kindness are just a few of the topics we discuss during Super Hero Training.
Wednesday – Chapel – Pastor Pete from St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church joins us weekly to lead Chapel. Following the same character traits we’re learning in Super Hero Training, Pastor Pete shares stories of how Jesus displayed each trait, discusses how we can practice the traits in daily life, and teaches us how to pray when we need a little help from God.
Thursday – Musikgarten with Ms. Rebekah Keathley of Signature Music – Ms. Rebekah is an outside instructor that joins us to share her love of music! Using classic folk songs, scarves and a variety of instruments, Ms. Rebekah help us practice our gross motor skills, fine motor skills, and rhythm all while singing, dancing and having lots of fun!
Friday – Feelings Friday – A variety of St. Stephen’s teachers share responsibility for Feelings Friday. Using the “A Little Spot” series by Diane Alber, our preschoolers practice social-emotional skills. Each week we learn about a different feeling or emotion, how to spot it when it happens to us, and how to handle it.